
ACE Personal Trainer Certification |Is It Worth It?

personal trainer working with a client. ACE Personal Training Certification. Is it worth it?

As a certified personal trainer, I’m often asked which certification program I would recommend for those looking to enter the fitness industry. With so many options out there, it can be tough to know which one is the best choice. In this article, I’ll share my experience with the ACE (American Council on Exercise) Personal … Read more

Why I Love Being a Personal Trainer

personal fitness training. why I love being a personal trainer

As a personal trainer, I can honestly say that I have one of the most fulfilling and rewarding careers I could have ever imagined. Every day, I have the opportunity to make a positive impact on people’s lives by helping them achieve their fitness goals and improve their overall well-being. In this article, I’ll share … Read more

The Ins and Outs of Liability Insurance for Personal Trainers: A Friendly Guide

Personal trainer working with a client. Liability Insurance for Personal Trainers

As a personal trainer, I know that we’re in this business because we love helping people achieve their fitness goals and live healthier lives. We spend countless hours planning workouts, motivating our clients, and celebrating their successes. While it’s incredibly rewarding to see the results of our hard work, it’s also essential to protect ourselves … Read more

The Benefits of Corporate Fitness Programs for Employees

group fitness class. Benefits of Corporate Fitness Programs for Employees

Did you know more and more companies are starting to offer corporate fitness programs for their employees? It’s true! Companies are realizing that by helping their employees stay healthy and fit, they’re also helping their businesses grow and succeed. But what exactly are corporate fitness programs, and how do they benefit employees like you and … Read more

Benefits of Running in a Group

top benefits of running in a group

Running is a challenging sport. There are times when you may feel tired and stressed. Running in a group gives you company on those lonesome runs and lets you motivate each other to keep going. But did you know the benefits of running in a group can also increase your performance, help you lose weight, … Read more

Do you wear underwear under running shorts?

Do you wear underwear under running shorts

No. Running shorts are designed to be worn without underwear. The built-in liner is designed to be worn directly against the skin for optimal moisture-wicking and compression. Wearing underwear under running tights can also cause chafing and discomfort. So it’s best to avoid wearing underwear under running shorts for optimal performance and comfort. Ever wondered … Read more

Should you wear deodorant while running?

athlete bent over sweating. Should you wear deodorant while running?

No. The use of deodorant, especially antiperspirants prevents your body from sweating and eliminates the natural process of sweating. This will prevent your body from cooling itself as efficiently, therefore causing you to overheat, increase your heart rate, and cause dehydration. Should I put on deodorant before a run? Natural Deodorant for Women and Men, … Read more

Does Running Make Your Butt Bigger or Smaller?

athlete wearing orange tights and tank top running up a hill. does running make your butt bigger or smaller?

Are you curious about whether running can make your butt bigger or smaller? It’s a question that many people have asked, and it’s easy to see why – we all want to achieve our fitness goals while also feeling confident about our bodies. There are different opinions out there, with some claiming that running can … Read more